“Our journey began in Tulum, where we found love and a shared purpose: to transform how people connect with themselves, each other, and the natural world.

For us, true liberation lies in guiding others back to their original state of being a place of authenticity and belonging, where the essence of life is deeply felt and embraced.”


She is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Doctor of Chinese Medicine.

She has maintained a successful practice in Los Angeles, New York City and now Tulum, specializing in a treating the body from a holistic approach by regulating the neuro-imuno-endocrine circuit using acupuncutre, herbs, supplementation diet and lifestyle.

Early in her career Dr. Gabrielle has worked closely with veterens and other PTSD patients, utilizing auricular acupuncutre as a the tool to regulate and release trauma.

Dr. Gabrielle is passionate about sharing her knowledge and perspective on the human body and our human existance with as many people as possible in order to give us back the control over our own being.


She is a Certified Psychotherapist, bodyworker and Herbalist.

She has maintained a successful practice in Denmark and Tulum, specializing in emotional tension/release/trauma, talk therapy and embodiment through manual fascial manipulation, structural correction and lifestyle coaching.

She is an expert in teaching and practicing body scanning diagnosis and holding professional presence within interactions in order to create safety for the nervous system to let go.

Simone is passionate about understanding, addressing, and teaching about human well being from a rooted perspective, she believes nothing can be healed unless it is approached from its root, and she is determined to get to that depth with every client and student she touches. True freedom is coming from a healthy balance body.